Các tools dò tìm signature của một file exe
- PEiD detects most common packers, cryptors and compilers for PE files.
- It can currently detect more than 470 different signatures in PE files.
- It seems that the official website (www.peid.info) has been discontinued. Hence, the tool is no longer available from the official website but it still hosted on other sites.
donwnload: https://taimienphi.vn/download-peid-33068/0-95-phien-ban
download signature: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ynadji/peid/master/userdb.txt
2/PE Detective:
Created by Erik Pistelli, a freeware PE identifier. This tool was originally designed to be part of the Explorer Suite II, but it can be downloaded separately as well. The PE Detective can scan single PE files or entire directories (also recursively) and generate complete reports. The PE Detective is deployed along with the Signature Explorer, which is an advanced signature manager to check collisions, handle, update and retrieve signatures.
donwnload: https://ntcore.com/?page_id=367
3/RDG Packer Detector
All information, please read at homepage:
This site is closed, but version 0.7.2 is released , so i don’t have changelog or new infomation about this nice tool. However, this version was posted on tuts4you at Jan 1 2014, maybe some bug fixes and new signatures were added to improve the power :D.
Anyway, you can download this new version here ( i re-uploaded to Mediafire – no viruses detected so far):
Enjoy reversing and best regard,

version 0.7.6
4/ Exeinfo PE
Exeinfo PE for Windows by A.S.L.
download: https://github.com/ExeinfoASL/ASL
5/ DiE (Detect_It_Easy):
Detect It Easy, or abbreviated "DIE" is a program for determining types of files.
"DIE" is a cross-platform application, apart from Windows version there are also available versions for Linux and Mac OS.
Many programs of the kind (PEID, PE tools) allow to use third-party signatures. Unfortunately, those signatures scan only bytes by the pre-set mask, and it is not possible to specify additional parameters. As the result, false triggering often occur. More complicated algorithms are usually strictly set in the program itself. Hence, to add a new complex detect one needs to recompile the entire project. No one, except the authors themselves, can change the algorithm of a detect. As time passes, such programs lose relevance without the constant support.
Detect It Easy has totally open architecture of signatures. You can easily add your own algorithms of detects or modify those that already exist. This is achieved by using scripts. The script language is very similar to JavaScript and any person, who understands the basics of programming, will understand easily how it works. Possibly, someone may decide the scripts are working very slow. Indeed, scripts run slower than compiled code, but, thanks to the good optimization of Script Engine, this doesn't cause any special inconvenience. The possibilities of open architecture compensate these limitations.
DIE exists in three versions. Basic version ("die"), Lite version ("diel") and console version ("diec"). All the three use the same signatures, which are located in the folder "db". If you open this folder, nested sub-folders will be found ("Binary", "PE" and others). The names of sub-folders correspond to the types of files. First, DIE determines the type of file, and then sequentially loads all the signatures, which lie in the corresponding folder. Currently the program defines the following types:
- MSDOS executable files MS-DOS
- PE executable files Windows
- ELF executable files Linux
- MACH executable files Mac OS
- Binary all other files
download: https://github.com/horsicq/DIE-engine/releases